Tangerine POP has been developing websites and rich web content for the past 30 years. With projects like the Beatles Yellow Submarine Soundtrack site, Paul McCartney’s Run Devil Run, Gary Wright’s Dreamweaver, or Monty Python and IBM ThinkNet concept projects, we’ve been there from the beginning since the 56k modem days and streaming Flash content.

But things have changed. Ubiquitous technologies created and used to decentralize power and control to benefit the creative world community were strategically destroyed by internal forces within and external forces without. There are many in the industry that bear witness to this. You can search out their testimonies and stories. Hopefully you can connect the dots and paint the picture since the myriad of events of 2020 and beyond.

A pivotal point for us was when we turned down the Radiohead website and our beneficial relationship with Capitol Records, and other like clients, to rethink a new approach to develop substantive and effective educational gaming.

We said goodbye to all those profitable contracts in order to form New Media Broadcasting with Scott Page in a concerted effort to launch our shared educational endeavors. With his background as the CEO of 7th Level where he spearheaded innovations such as Howie Mandel’s Math Adventures, Monty Python’s interactive CD-Roms, The Universe According to Virgil, and more, and Tangerine POP’s expertise in Flash and web development, we labored to transition and reinvent Scott’s vast repository of content to stream on the Internet.

It was an exhilarating and memorable snippet of time. We learned quite a lot from Scott’s leadership and his unrelenting entrepreneurial spirit. Looking back from 2025 with A.I. lip syncing and consistent charters created as virtual influencers fomenting into the zeitgeist of today’s social media, many in the know should realize Scott’s vision of the technology he was crafting was decades ahead of its time.